Professor Piotr SOBOTA
MSc 1966, PhD 1973, DSc 1978, Prof. 1989
(+48) 071 375 73 06 (office 109)
Professor Piotr Sobota studied chemistry at the University of Wrocław, Poland, where he received all of his degrees.
He was a postdoctoral fellow in Unit of Nitrogen Fixation at Sussex University in Brighton, UK, with Professor Josef Chatt. He was promoted as a Head of Research Group of Activation of Small Molecules by Metal Complexes and Kinetics in 1980 and to full professor at the Faculty of Chemistry of Wrocław University in 1993. He has been a visiting professor at Indiana University, Bloominghton, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), Technical University of Trondheim (Norway) and University of Lille (France).
He is a consultant at The Dow Chemical Company in Midland, Michigan USA and at Hasco-lek S.A, Poland. University Coordinator of FP-6-2004 Mobility-13 grant “Structuring the European Research Area”. Member of the Board of the State Committee for Research Grant Evaluation.
More than 300 publications, articles, patents, and books record his research activity in the areas of inorganic, organometallic, structural chemistry, polymerization of olefins and cyclic esters and molecular precursors for nanomaterials.
Publications (1969-2009)
Research grants (PL)
Supervised PhD theses (PL)
Supervised MSc theses (PL)